ALL ABOUT THE BIRTHING BALL Pregnancy and childbirth have undergone a sea change over the decades. One of the key factors that has facilitated the entire process is the introduction of the yoga ball or the birthing ball, making it a much more comfortable experience. The yoga ball is a large, inflatable ball made of… Continue reading ALL ABOUT THE BIRTHING BALL

Do these yoga asanas, specially curated for every Trimester

Prenatal yoga is a multifaceted approach to exercise. It is a low-impact fitness routine that helps improve your mood and ensures a better sleeping pattern during your pregnancy.     Yoga works through body stretches and makes it flexible to deal with the increasing body weight. And the breathing exercises help in calming the mind… Continue reading Do these yoga asanas, specially curated for every Trimester

Why Postnatal Yoga?

Physical activity is a ritual that no one should skip. For moms to be and new moms, it is all the more important for their well-being in the long run.   Exercise doesn’t always mean strenuous workouts and lifting weights. There are gentler ones too. This is where the ancient Indian workout of Yoga comes… Continue reading Why Postnatal Yoga?
